Taylor Kiser is a Certified Personal Trainer, Precision Nutrition Level 1 coach. Taylor's website, FoodFaithFitness, is home to a huge library of information about each of the topics, including hundreds of healthy recipes. Taylor is also the author of Eat the Cookie: The Imperfectionist’s Guide to Food, Faith, and Fitness.
What does your exercise routine look like? How has it changed over the years?
I currently lift weights 5 days a week with 20 mins of cardio one day a week and one totally off day! It’s been pretty similar to this but I used to do more cardio but too much really gives the opposite of what I want to my body!
What is your favourite way to exercise outside of the gym?
How do you incorporate healthy eating and exercise into your life? I think the most important thing is make sure your relationship with food and exercise is healthy. If trying to do it perfect is causing stress then it’s not healthy! So I try to do the best I can without worrying to much if I can’t do it “perfect “
What is your favorite exercise? Least favorite?
Favorite is any kind of shoulder exercise and least is for sure Bulgarian split squats.
When it comes to eating and exercising, where are you vulnerable to poor stewardship? What steps do you take to safeguard against it?
I can get too obsessive with it and have it consume my life instead of be part of my life - I had anorexia in the past because of it I have to spend time with God daily and continually remind myself that he made me as more than a body and the outside fades away. It’s a daily thought renewal!